
If you have a legal issue and need or advice, Angela Chaisson Law can help. Please fill out this form if you would like to speak to her. Note: Angela does not charge a fee for most preliminary consultations. Our office is located in downtown Toronto, near the corner of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue. We have a midtown office and offer meetings at that location upon request.

The contents of the Angela Chaisson Law website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Do not send confidential information, details or documents about your case by email. We cannot review such information or provide legal advice unless and until you have retained us to act on your behalf. You will not be considered a client of the firm until we have agreed to act for you according to our usual policies.


Angela Chaisson Law, P.C.
197 Spadina Ave, Suite 402
Toronto, ON M5T 2C8
Phone: 6475673536

+1 416.920.6179


Get in Touch

Please provide a brief message explaining what has happened to you and why you need legal help.